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Sunday, 30 April 2017

Major Allegations faced by Hinduism-3

Before you start reading this article I would like to recommend you to read previous articles: Allegations faced by hinduism 1 and Allegations faced by hinduism 2.

The most widely criticised feature of Hinduism is Caste System. No doubt, the shape that it has taken in due course is eligible for criticism. But without knowing/analysing the cause and motive behind it, this allegation wont be resolved.

The most important fact is that Hinduism isn't a religion,it's a culture- a fusion of various Indian culture. Those whoever lives beyond the river Sindhu, is a Hindu. Caste System,in its origin form, is best way to organise the society. Caste System was "KarmaPradhan" not something derived from birth right. But with passage of time,its shape was severely distorted- the core belief was shifted from karma to birth.

Caste System, the four varna viz. Brahmins(the teacher/scholar), kshatriyas(the warriors), Vaishya(the merchants/businessman), Shudras(service providers/artisans). All of the varnas were equally treated and dignified. Brahmins were given upper hand because in Sanatan Dharma the teacher is treated as medium to god, and none other reasons for extra dignity.

Well every student was given education and at the end of the same, the students were send in different caste. Say some of them are good in teaching, so they are sent to Brahmin caste,  some of them were good in fighting, they were sent to kshatriya, similarly some were good  in agricultural stuff, some were good in artistic work, so according to their interest varnas were decided, but it was never rigid. "To acquire mastery in the area of your interest- that's what for caste system  was made". Specialization in your area of interest is what the purpose caste system serves.

Even today we following the core idea in our modern way of education. How's it possible, synectron? That's what you may have thought- how the hell today's education pattern carries core idea of Caste System? Yes,  it does contain the core idea of caste system.

Every student is given same knowledge till high school, but what happens after high school or 10th class? Each student is allotted a category on the area of interest or capability-You are good in Maths or Bio take science stream, good in accounting commerce is for you or else Arts. So allotting categories on the basis of interest/capability is what caste system was meant to do. In modern day education system, there is free will to choose your specialization , so does the caste system in its beginning and subsequent phases till it became rigid and hereditary.

I would like to quote  :

The four-fold order was created by me(Lord Krishna) according to the divisions of quality and work. Divisions on the basis of quality and work not by birth. It is more evident to llook at the shlok it was varnashram and caste system is the corrupted form of it

Yajurveda 26 /2 God says O! Humans i gift you with this blissful knowledge of Vedas for all Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya as well as Shudra. This knowledge is for benefit of everyone.
[God do not deny the knowledge of Vedas for Shudras. Shudras enjoys equal right to read Vedas as a Brahman. ]
Rigveda 5/60/5 says There is no one superior or inferior in the Vedas. All are equal just like brothers.All should help each other to attain the pleasures of this as well as the other world.

Lord Krishna quoted while answering Arjuna that-"A Brahmin is a person who is literate in vedas and vedic science and has attained the status of atma gyan". So, a brahmin is a person who has above mentioned knowledge but not being born in a brahmin family.

One more contribution of varnashrama was the resolving approach of Barter System. Varnashrama enabled same profession practising people living in a close proximity, that allows people to trade easily, you need education visit specific location of village there you will get many teachers, select according to your need, need to visit a farmer, go to farmers location and do the trade.

So, this article and the series comes to the conclusion and I hope that these articles may have served in a better way to know your religion and faith. Do like it, get subscribed and follow to receive alerts for upcoming articles. 


"Jai Shree Ram"

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