Sanatan Dharma-The True Identity

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Monday 17 April 2017

The major allegations faced by Hinduism-1

In the modern world with so many religions prevailing and being practiced, Hinduism remains the oldest living religion. With the glorified history that this religion contains, with evident passage of time, now it is facing some of nonsense allegation posed by others. In this article we are gong to enlist 3 major allegation that Hinduism faces.
Those allegations namely are:
1.Hinduism follows polytheism.
2.Idol worshiping.
3.Caste System
So lets take one by one allegations and resolve them. In this very article we are going to resolve the first allegation, rest of the allegations will be resolved in upcoming articles.
So, as usual you may come across people saying Hinduism is a polytheistic religion and may argue how can it be possible to have multiple ultimate realities. But let me make you very clear, next time if someone quotes such a statement reply instantly , Mr. you are wrong Hinduism follows monotheism.
People(even most of the Hindus) use to say that there are 33,33,33,333 gods and goddesses prevailing in this religion.’ trayastrimsati koti‘ meaning 33 types and what people misinterpreted that koti is crores or 100 million. Koti used in this context is type not crores.So another questions arises-who are these 33 types of gods?
Before I tell you their name I would like to correct one more mistake its 33 deities not gods. So below I have listed the name of 33 deities:
8 Vasu
11 Rudra
12 Aditya
1 Prajapati
1 Indra.
8 Vasu:

  • Drav Vasu (*needs citation: should it be dhanva instead of dhrav)
  • Adhva Vasu
  • Som Vasu
  • Jal Vasu
  • Vaayu Vasu
  • Agni Vasu
  • Pratyuvash Vasu
  • Prayaas Vasu


  • Veerbhadra Rudra
  • Shumbh Rudra
  • Gireesh Rudra
  • Ajaik paat Rudra
  • Aharbudhyat Rudra
  • Pinaaki Rudra
  • Bhavaanishvapar Rudra
  • Kapaali Rudra
  • Dikpati Rudra
  • Sthanu Rudra
  • Bharg Rudra


  • Dhata Aditya
  • Aryamaa Aditya
  • Mitr Aditya
  • Varun Aditya
  • Anshu Aditya
  • Bhag Aditya
  • Vivasvan (Our mighty Sun)
  • Dandadi Aditya (*needs citation) – maybe I read it wrong
  • Poosha Aditya
  • Par-jaya Aditya
  • Twa’nashtaan Aditya
  • Vishnu Aditya

So, this point made clear about the deities prevailing in Santana Dharma but mystery still continues that how Hinduism is monotheistic.So, let me quote one statement from Upanishads: “Ekam evadvitiyam” meaning “He is One only without a second.”
Next quotation is from vedas itself:  “Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan” – citing “There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit.” 
And there are lots of examples presented in the religious scripts which can be provided by me if any of you may seek to know.
So, very much this concept of polytheism must be cleared to all of you. But still some of you may say no there are still many gods. Let me make clear of this: We are not following polytheism  but we do follow pluralism.Yes, pluralism- means not many gods but many ways to god and that allows you to worship anyone and anything that makes you believe that it is the supreme authority. The supreme authority, we believe that it resides in every thing of this creation and that lays the foundation of very Humanity  and Secularism. These are still big topics better to be left to discuss some other day.
Next allegations posed by others will be resolved in my upcoming articles. Do comment if you have any queries and do not forget to subscribe to receive alerts of my other articles.
“Jai Shree Ram”

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